Friday, June 17, 2011

Political Ramblings on a Day Off!

I have decided that I am much more liberal, left, subversive, radical, socialist or, as one friend put it "crazy", than I ever thought. I just can't stand where our country is right now. The Ultra Conservative, rich, intolerant, bigoted, faux christian robber barons that have seized control of this country have done a masterful job of convincing the masses to vehemently support policies that are designed to oppress them and fill the pockets of the few instead of benefiting the many. I know that sounds Socialist to some, but for a moment, let's take a look at the definition of the words Socialism, Communism and Capitalism:


A theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.


A system of social organization in which all economic and social activity is controlled by a totalitarian state dominated by a single and self-perpetuating political party.


an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, especially as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth.

Of these three definitions I find the least troubling to be that of Socialism. I also feel that it fits in best with the basic beliefs that all men are created equal and that we should provide for the weakest most downtrodden of our brothers.

In my view, Communism and Capitalism (at least our current corruption of it in the US) are actually much more closely compared than people would like to admit. At least Communism admits that all economic activity is controlled by Politicians. In the US, the most Capitalist of all societies, all social and economic decisions are controlled by politicians and the Corporations and Billionaires that control them through power of the Almighty Dollar. This is illustrated by the fact that the richest 400 individuals in America now control more wealth than a full 50 per cent of our population! How can a gross inequity like this come about, or be allowed to perpetuate itself? Worse yet, the"powers that be", have convinced us that this ok, even desirable! In a truly just society, this would not be allowed to happen.

The most astonishing aspect of this is that most of those in power in our country profess to be extremely religious, yet avarice (greed) is considered one of the Seven Deadly Sins. In my opinion, greed is one of driving forces behind the whole philosophy of Capitalism.

I know I have rambled on a bit here, but I encourage all of you to think outside the box, question everything and never just accept what they try to shove down your throat!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Only Me (Or Someone Like Me)!

Yesterday, two things happened to me that could only happen to me. First, I was waiting for the DON'T WALK Signal to change so I could cross the street when the turning car stopped in THE MIDDLE OF THE INTERSECTION, honked their horn at me and motioned for me to cross. I pointed at the signal and waved them through, because I was following the Signals and more importantly, just because he stopped doesn't mean the other cars are stopping too! He was creating a very dangerous situation! As the driver finally went by me he gave me the finger! All I can figure is that the driver was freaked out by my wheelchair. Since he flipped me off, I am not going to give the possibility he was just trying to be nice much consideration. A tip for driver's out there...people who use wheelchairs can handle crossing a street!

Situation 2: On the way home from my walk a car pulled over, the driver got out, ran up to me and asked me if I needed help. I waved her off and kept going. I know I am not as fast as I was in my racing days, But come on. I wonder if non wheelchair users out for a walk on a beautiful day, ever have drivers pull over and ask them if they need help?A friend of mine had a great comeback for me to use the next time this happens. She said to say, "My Mom told me not to talk to strangers!"

I think both of these situations come from something called "spread of disability". The idea that if a person has one disability, they must have other things wrong with them too. Both of these people assumed that since I used a wheelchair I couldn't handle a simple everyday task like walking home or crossing a street. I am closing in on 50 and have been dealing with incidents like this my whole life. I just hope that in the near future, other people who use wheelchairs won't need to anymore!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The End of the World...Ok, Maybe Not!

Happy No Rapture Day!!!!
As far as I can tell, the world did not end yesterday. Harold Camping was wrong again. That makes him 0 for 2 the sport of Apocalypse predicting. Hardly Hall of Fame numbers. Seriously, I am glad he was wrong, but it does make me wonder why people are so enamored by End of the World prophets like this crazy old loon. Are they all just crazy like him? Are their lives so hopeless that this is only thing they can find that gives them purpose? Or is it something else?

Whatever the reason, I hope his followers can regroup and use their energies to make the world we have a better place for all. Maybe this day can be used to encourage everyone to remember what a precious thing life is and that we should use our time and energy to make a positive impact on those around us! I know this is a little "touchy, feely" for some, but hey, the end of the World only comes once. We just don't know when.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

As I sit here at my local Starbucks, sipping on my Iced Mocha and downing a Sausage and Egg Sandwich, I am wishing I could be with my 91 year old mother on this special day. I am not a fan of most of the "Day's" we celebrate in America. Most of them (Boss's, Secretary's, Sweetest, etc.) are just excuses for Corporate America to make more money. Mother's are the one group of people who truly deserve special recognition.

I have written about my Mother before, but as she gets older and her memory fades, I find myself reminiscing about our life and the life lessons she taught me without even trying. Both Mom and Dad treated me just like my Brothers and Sisters. Even though I was disabled, I was held to the same expectations as anyone else. This was most evident in my education. My Mother fought many battles with the Appleton Public School District and others in order to assure that I (and other students with disabilities) would have equal access to a quality education. We tend to take many things for granted in this world and assume that things have always been the way they are. When we do that, we forget the Trailblazers that fought the battles that helped change the Status Quo. I am proud to say my Mother was one of those Trailblazers.

One memorable example happened during my Junior year in High School. I was selected by my School to represent them at Badger Boy's State, a leadership experience sponsored by the American Legion. Soon after I was nominated, we were informed that I would not be allowed to participate because the facilities at Ripon College were not wheelchair accessible. My Mother was dumbfounded that an activity sponsored by an organization that represented many people with disabilities would not accept people with disabilities. That idea seems like common sense today, but at the time many people thought my Mom was being unreasonable by fighting the "Powers that be." She eventually won the fight and I was allowed to participate. It was a wonderful experience and I still use much of what I learned there. I also received many accolades for being the first wheelchair user to attend, but none of it would have been possible without the behind the scene efforts of my Mom!

So, on this special day set aside to honor Mother's everywhere, take a moment to remember the things your Mother has done to help shape the person you are today, and if you are a Mother remember, sometimes it's the unseen things that have the biggest effect on your children.

Friday, March 11, 2011

My Rant!!!

Will people ever realize that the whole..." My taxes pay your salary" argument is a red herring that the richest people in America have used to pit us against each other? The truth of the matter is that we all pay taxes for services that society has decided are the responsibility of Government. When I applied for this job, it was open to anyone who met the qualifications.

In reality, we all pay each other's salary. Go to any store and buy anything. Part of that purchase went to pay the employees in that store. Buy a just paid part of the salesperson's salary. So when I take part of my salary and pay my rent, or buy a loaf of bread, or take a trip I am paying part of someone's salary too!

We are paying Almost $4.00 for a gallon of gas. Part of that goes to pay a Billionaire's Salary. Why do we not turn our anger towards that injustice? Have we been brainwashed to the point that we don't see where the real blame should be laid?

So, please...I beg of you, drop the "I pay your salary" argument from your list!