Time for another installment of : Only Me.
Recently, I was grocery shopping at a store near me and I unwittingly caused quite an incident. I was minding my own business, walking down the main aisle, looking for Toothpaste, when I heard a small scream. My eyes quickly followed the sound of distress. I was just able to see a basket of items cascading to the floor and an obviously flustered woman sitting on the floor about two feet in front of me. Thinking she slipped on a spill or an errant cat toy that had fallen from a nearby display, I stopped to see if I could help her. She said no and got up on her own. As she was rising, she said that I scared her. The tone of her voice made it clear that she was blaming me. She said she didn't hear footsteps and told me I should have made some noise to let her know I was coming. I tried to laugh it off, by saying, "I don't make footsteps".
I didn't think much of this until I remembered a recent comment by my girlfriend who said that she noticed some people, "jumped" out of the way when I crossed their path. Like they were scared of me. I guess this phenomenon is more common than I thought! It just doesn't usually end up with shampoo bottles and Tampons strewn across the floor. I guess I'll chalk it up to fear of the unknown, different or unfamiliar. I just have to start developing a wheelchair that makes footstep noises!